e-Commerce FAQ

  1. Why should I consider PikLee Productions' e-commerce support service ?
  2. How much does it cost ?
  3. But I don't have a Web site !
  4. How do I get started ?
  5. I'm a web developer-can I put my customers here ?

Why should I consider Piklee Productions' e-commerce support?

We provide you with a stable environment to run your e-business. Reliability, ease of access, and with Front Page support, you're in complete control of what appears on the Web. It doesn't matter who your ISP is, or how you access the Internet. We don't require you to sign up with our service provider (but we'll gladly assist you in identifying a source).

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How much does it cost ?

Good question. We have several levels of service- one of these is sure to suit your needs. Just complete the sign-up/information request form.

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But I don't have a Web site!

Well, what are you waiting for!  Just click here for info. It's time to jump on the Web. Advertise your product or service. Profess your beliefs. Expound your opinions-at length, or succinctly-your choice! Sell your product or service. Take orders. Get customer feedback. Distribute updates. Whatever you might imagine is good for your business...your audience is the WORLD WIDE WEB of Internet users.

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How do I get started ?

If you don't yet have a website, you'll need to set up a "page". This can be as fancy or as simple as you like. You can engage the services of a web developer (need a reference?), or, if you're computer-savvy, you can do it yourself. When you're ready, just complete the sign-on/information form and either submit it on-line, e-mail your request, or fax it to us at

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I'm a web developer. Can I put my customers here ?

But of course! Just make sure you check the box on the sign-up/information form  indicating that you're a web developer, and we'll send you information regarding our special rates.

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Comments/e-mail to: mailto:office@piklee.net
Copyright © PikLee Productions Inc. 1996-2000 All rights reserved.
Revised: April 14, 2002.